Bio and Contact Jazmarie Clay LaTour
Jazmarie Clay LaTour is a bipoc queer woman and is a Stockton, Ca native and community server. She who uses writing to attune to the frequency and deep call of the Earth, her Ancestors, and the Great Spirit that leads her. Her love for spoken word performance has given her the courage to speak from her heart. Her love for the written word, has now, given her the courage to allow others to hold a piece of her heart right in their hands.
Jazmarie is a Capricorn Sun, Leo Rising, and Taurus moon. Jazmarie is a spoken word artist, tarot reader, beginner herbalist, entrepreneur, hazmat certified, meditation teacher, and human being. Jazmarie is also a recovering addict with 9 years clean and uses her past as her greatest asset while helping others heal themselves. Jazmarie is a co-owner and co-founder of InnerG cooperative - collective of artists and spiritual healers who create and hold spaces that bridge the gap between art and spirituality in their community.
Jazmarie would love to connect with you. All proceeds will be going to making the printed book of Nature of Her a reality.
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